Monday, June 23, 2014

Excel4apps (GL- Wand) Setup for EBS R12 :

GL Wand for Oracle ( Excel-based financial reporting solution for Oracle )

An award-winning, Excel-based financial reporting solution for finance professionals using Oracle e-Business Suite 11i or 12, GL Wand enables highly efficient and secure financial reporting, shorter month ends, and faster refreshes with ad-hoc inquiry and drill downs........ :) :) :)

Both Admin & Web node :

had appl_top/java_top on both nodes ,


~]$ls -la excel4apps*
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr oinstall 5472391 Sep 13  2013



~]$cp -rp  $APPL_TOP
 ~]$cd $APPL_TOP

~]$cp -rp  $JAVA_TOP

 unzip on /home/applmgr

~]$ unzip


~]$cp -rp  $APPL_TOP

~]$cd $APPL_TOP

~]$cp -rp  $JAVA_TOP


ls -latr excel4apps
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  3 applmgr oinstall 4096 Sep 13  2013 oracle
drwxr-xr-x  2 applmgr oinstall 4096 Sep 13  2013 applet
drwxr-xr-x  6 applmgr oinstall 4096 Sep 13  2013 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 applmgr oinstall 4096 Apr 27 10:50 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 applmgr oinstall 4096 Apr 27 13:56 install
drwxr-xr-x  3 applmgr oinstall 4096 Apr 28 21:43 servlet

The Excel4apps Wands communicate with Oracle via a Java servlet. The servlet needs to be configured using Oracle’s standards as documented in note
“387859.1 - UsingAutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle Applications Release 12” on Oracle’s support website.
The process involves creating a copy of the applicable template file, adding the Excel4apps Wands entries to the file, running AutoConfig and bouncing the   Applications tier.

cd $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom

orion_web_xml_1013.tmp Backup then edit hte file

<!-- Excel4apps Wands 5 Alias -->

<!-- OC4J Session Timeout -->

Run Autoconfig  On order Admin & Web node :

After successfull , Verify the same
cd $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/html

 grep -i excel4apps orion-web.xml

<!-- Excel4apps Wands 5 Alias -->


http://<hostname>.<domain>:8000/OA_HTML/excel4apps // it should dispaly the Excel4apps Wands Server Versions (23-Jun-2014 3:18:19 & v5.5.0)

Load Excel4apps OAF pages:

Option A - Running the script: on both nodes
1. Navigate to the $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/install
]$ sh

Execute the script. Please note this is a bash shell script.
o It will prompt for database connection information.
o Before the script runs it will display the information that you captured and ask if you wish to continue. You can cancel at this point if required.

-->  If you choose to continue, the script will first delete any existing Excel4apps OAF pages. This will display an error if there are no pages to delete. This error is normal and it can be ignored if received.
-->  The script will then load the Excel4apps OAF pages using the XMLImporter utility.

-->  The import steps should complete successfully and a message should be displayed indicating that the pages were imported.

Verification :

sqlplus apps/apps

SQL>set serveroutput on;


Printing contents of /com/excel4apps recursively

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<page xmlns:jrad=""
xmlns:oa="" xmlns:ui=""
version="" xml:lang="en-US"

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<page xmlns:jrad=""
xmlns:oa="" xmlns:ui=""
version="" xml:lang="en-US"

Load Application Components :
Load Application Components
1. Log on to the Oracle system and select a responsibility like System Administrator that has permission to register an application.
2. Navigate to the following menu: Application > Register.
3. Create a new application as follows:

Application : Excel4apps
Short Name  : XXE4A
Basepath    : XXE4A_TOP

4. Navigate to the following menu :Concurrent --->program ---> Executable

5. Create  a new Executable As follow :

Executable XXE4A
Short Name XXE4A
Application Excel4apps
Execution Method PL/SQL Stored Procedure
Execution File Name XXE4A

Option A - Using the FNDLOAD utility:

1. Navigate to the $JAVA_TOP/com/excel4apps/install folder.
2. Execute the following two commands replacing the $apps_password variable with your APPS password.

$FND_TOP/bin/FNDLOAD apps/"$apps_password" O Y UPLOAD
$FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct XXE4A_WANDS_MENU.ldt
$FND_TOP/bin/FNDLOAD apps/"$apps_password" O Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct XXE4A_WANDS_RESP.ldt
FNDLOAD should complete successfully.


1. If you ran the process using the FNDLOAD utility, you should check the log file to make sure that there were no errors.
2. Check that the configuration components exist:
o Log on to the Oracle system and select a Responsibility like System Administrator that has permission to configure application components.
o Query the configuration components mentioned above and ensure that they all exist and are configured correctly.
3. Assign the Excel4apps Wands Responsibility to an Oracle user.
Grant following users - Excel4apps Wands - Responsibility

4. Log on to Oracle using a browser with that Oracle user.
5. Launch the application by clicking on the Excel4apps Wands Responsibility.
Step 13 Log on for the first time
1. Log on to Oracle from a browser using the user that you assigned the Excel4apps Wands Responsibility to.
2. Launch the Excel4apps Wands application. This will launch a Java Applet and load the Excel4apps Wands toolbar into Microsoft Excel.
3. Request or enter a license key.
o You may be prompted to request a license key or enter one received previously.
o Additional details on requesting and entering license keys can be found in the Administrator section of the online user guide under the “System Administrator Options” section.

4. Configure system administrator options.
1. Log on to Oracle from a browser using the user that you assigned the Excel4apps Wands Responsibility to.
2. Launch the Excel4apps Wands application. This will launch a Java Applet and load the Excel4apps Wands toolbar into Microsoft Excel.
3. Request or enter a license key.
o You may be prompted to request a license key or enter one received previously.
o Additional details on requesting and entering license keys can be found in the Administrator section of the online user guide under the “System Administrator Options” section.

4. Configure system administrator options.

Required settings: The first time you log on you must flag one (or more) Oracle user as an Excel4apps Wands system administrator(s). Once the license key is entered and saved, only this user(s) will have permissions to administer the installation, change options and set permissions for other users.
o Optional settings: Optionally configure additional system administer options to meet specific environment needs as described in the Administrator section of the online user guide under the “System Administrator Options” section.
Step 14 Unlocking the System Administrator Functionality

The first user that logs on to the Excel4apps Wands will be given the opportunity to enter a license key and then to activate users and set the system options. At least one user must be flagged as a System Administrator although you may assign more than one.
From then on, only a user flagged as a System Administrator will be able to access the menu option to administer the Excel4apps Wands system settings and to maintain the users. If your System Administrator is not available or leaves the company you might need to unlock access to the system administration functionality. If this becomes a requirement please contact us at and we will provide you with the necessary steps to assign another user as a System Administrator.

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