Monday, December 31, 2012

Diagnose Common Concurrent Manager Issues:

Diagnose Common Concurrent Manager Issues:

Step 1 :  Checking how many rows in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST.

     SQL> select  count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests;

Step 2:   Checking how many rows in FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES table.

     SQL> select  count(*) from fnd_concurrent_processes;

Step 3: Checking sys.dual table which should have one and only one row.
     SQL> select  count(*) from sys.dual;

Note: If you have more than one row in sys.dual, please delete it
sql> delete rownum from SYS.DUAL;

Step 4:  Checking fnd_dual. There must be at lest one row:
Note : If there are no record selected,

     SQL>  Update fnd_dual table to have at lest one record

Step 5:  Checking the Internal Manager queue name "FNDICM" which should be=1

     SQL>  select concurrent_queue_id from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name='FNDICM';

Step 6: Checking for Active processes under the Internal Manager queue

SQL> select a.concurrent_queue_name
  , substr(b.os_process_id,0,10) "OS Proc"
  , b.oracle_process_id "Oracle ID"
  , b.process_status_code
  from fnd_concurrent_queues a
  , fnd_concurrent_processes b
  where a.concurrent_queue_id=b.concurrent_queue_id
  and a.concurrent_queue_name='FNDICM'
  and b.process_status_code='A'
  order by b.process_status_code;

If any rows found with process_status_code with value = 'A' (= Active)    
 The internal Manager will not start up ,so to avoide this issue
update these rows to have process_status_code value ='K'(terminated)

Step  7: Checking for Active processes under the Standard Manager queue in fnd_concurrent_proceses table:

select a.concurrent_queue_name
  , substr(b.os_process_id,0,10) "OS Proc"
  , b.oracle_process_id "Oracle ID"
  , b.process_status_code
  from fnd_concurrent_queues a
  , fnd_concurrent_processes b
  where a.concurrent_queue_id=b.concurrent_queue_id
  and a.concurrent_queue_name='STANDARD'
  and b.process_status_code='A'
  order by b.process_status_code;

Note :
If any rows found with process_status_code with value = 'A' (= Active)    
 The internal Manager will not start up ,so to avoide this issue
update these rows to have process_status_code value ='K'(terminated)

Step 8:  Checking for Active processes under the Conflict Manager queue in fnd_concurrent_proceses table:

SQL>  select a.concurrent_queue_name
  , substr(b.os_process_id,0,10) "OS Proc"
  , b.oracle_process_id "Oracle ID"
  , b.process_status_code
  from fnd_concurrent_queues a
  , fnd_concurrent_processes b
  where a.concurrent_queue_id=b.concurrent_queue_id
  and a.concurrent_queue_name='FNDCRM'
  and b.process_status_code='A'
  order by b.process_status_code;

Note : If any rows found with process_status_code with value = 'A' (= Active)    
 The internal Manager will not start up ,so to avoide this issue
update these rows to have process_status_code value ='K'(terminated)

Step 9:  Checking Actual and Target Processes for Internal Manager:

Note: If the MAX_PROCESSES=RUNNING_PROCESSES that means the manager is UP.

Step 10:  Checking Actual and Target Processes for the Standard Manager:

Note: If the MAX_PROCESSES=RUNNING_PROCESSES that means the manager is UP.

Step 11:  Checking Actual and Target Processes for Conflict Resolution  Manager:

Note: If the MAX_PROCESSES=RUNNING_PROCESSES that means the manager is UP.

Step 12:  Checking if the control_code set to 'N':
SQL>  select control_code from fnd_concurrent_queues where control_code='N';

Note : If any rows selected, please update the table fnd_concurrent_queues:

SQL> Update fnd_concurrent_queues set control_code = null where control_code ='N';

SQL> Update fnd_concurrent_queues set target_node = null;

SQL>  commit;

Step 13:  Checking terminated processes:

SQL> select count (*) from fnd_concurrent_requests where status_code='T';

Note :  If you have terminated processes run the following sql statement:

SQL> Update fnd_concurrent_requests
     set status_code = 'E', phase_code = 'C'
     where status_code = 'T';

Step 14: Checking pending requests:

SQL>  select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests where status_code='P';

Note :  If any rows selected please run the following sql statement:

SQL> Update fnd_concurrent_requests
     set status_code = 'E', phase_code = 'C'
     where status_code = 'P';

Step 15: Checking Running processes:

select count (*) from fnd_concurrent_requests
where status_code='R';

Note :  If you have Running processes run the following sql statement

SQL> Update fnd_concurrent_requests
     set status_code = 'E', phase_code = 'C'
    where status_code = 'R';

Step 16: Checking the PMON method, which should be set to LOCK:

SQL> select profile_option_id , profile_option_value
where profile_option_id= (select profile_option_id
where profile_option_name='CONC_PMON_METHOD');

Note : If the PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE was't LOCK please
Reset PMON to LOCK by running afimpmon.sql script(The manager should be down)

-At UNIX command prompt:

cd $FND_TOP/sql

Log into SQLPLUS as apps/

QL> @afimpmon.sql

For Oracle Applications Release 11.5 and 12.0, when you check the PMON
Method you may get no rows selected which is normal,

Step 17: Checking how many FNDLIBR processes are running:

$ ps -ef |grep -i fndlibr
If you have any FNDLIBR processes running,please kill them before
starting or shuting down the internal manager

Step 18: Checking how many "FND_%"invalid objects:

select substr(owner,1, 12) owner, substr(object_type,1,12) type,
substr(status,1,8) status, substr(object_name, 1, 25) name
from dba_objects
where object_name like 'FND_%'
and status='INVALID';

If you have any invalied objects please see Note 113947.1

Step 19: How to find the PID in the O/S for request_id:

select r.request_id, p.os_process_id
where r.controlling_manager = p.concurrent_process_id
and request_id=&request_id;

Diagnose Common Concurrent Manager Issues [ID 171855.1]

SELECT          responsibility_name RN
FROM            fnd_request_groups frg,
                fnd_request_group_units frgu,
                fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv,
                fnd_responsibility_vl frv
WHERE           frgu.request_unit_type = 'P'
AND             (UPPER(fcpv.concurrent_program_name) = UPPER('&1')
                UPPER(fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name) = UPPER('&1'))
AND             frgu.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id
AND             frgu.request_unit_id = fcpv.concurrent_program_id
AND             frv.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id
ORDER BY        responsibility_name
SQL> &concurrent program name :
How to Re-create Concurrent Manager Views  ID : 146786.1
FNDLIBR  "FND"  "FNDCPBWV"  apps/<passwd>  "SYSADMIN"  "System Administrator"    "SYSADMIN"
Concurrent Processing (CP) / APPS Reporting Scripts [ID 213021.1]

Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to configure 3rd Party application on EBS Suite:

Login to EBS --> System Administrator 
Security-- > user --> Responsibility --> Define -->F11 --> Responsibility Name (%System%Administrator%) -->CTRL + F11
menu --> (Navigator Menu - System Administrator GUI)
Go to :
Application -->menu --F11 ---> User Menu -Name:Navigator Menu - System Administrator GUI
install(Prompt) : Install Menu - System Administrator GUI(Submenu)---To repeat the process as find  the View Tree up to end

For Ex:
Check bellow Printer /AventX 

APP-FND-01634 Forms error on Release R12:

APP-FND-01634 Forms error on Release R12:

Solution :
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

Shut down managers and verify no FNDLIBR processes are running.(CM should be down

2. Go into the responsibility: System Administrator

3. Navigate to profile/system

4. Search for profile RRA:enabled and set the value to Yes.

5. Save

6. Restart the managers

7. Retest the issue.

Note ID : 555394.1

Saturday, December 29, 2012

XML Gateway on Release 12:

XML Gateway on Release 12:


1. Run the following command to locate the properties file that you want to customize to preserve your settings:

sh $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE target=$INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/

2. Navigate to the location of the template directory and create a custom subdirectory to store to store your customization:

cd $FND_TOP/admin/template

mkdir custom

3. Copy the template file to the custom directory.

cp $FND_TOP/admin/template/oafm_oc4j_properties_1013.tmp $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom

4. Verify which OTA related parameters already exist as context variables as these can easily be updated in the $CONTEXT_FILE file be changed when you run autoconfig.

vi $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom/oafm_oc4j_properties_1013.tmp

# Place holder for OXTA configuration

5. Add your environment specific settings to the your EBS version file:


# Custom Static Parameters
# Increase Max Inbound Size From 1M

# Increase From 10 Seconds

# Increase From 500 ms/kb

# Increase From 180 Seconds

# Decrease From 5 Attempts

# Decrease From 300 Seconds

6. Run autoconfig and confirm that your Custom Static Parameters are now in your EBS version properties file:

vi $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/

+++++++++++++++ Configure OTA For XML +++++++++++++
Referred doc  418926.1 and 1087499.1

Note For 1087499.1 ID

Need to change ASADMIN Password :
Step 1:

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER ASADMIN Welcome1

Through OAM

Keep ASADMIN password as below:

password=  ASADMIN

Keep password as !Welcome1


               <display-name>Default Apps SOA User</display-name>
               <description>Used by SOAProvider for DB connection</description>

[oracle@svrqatal1 config]$  cd /d01/oracle/SVRQAT/inst/apps/SVRQAT_svrqatal1/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config

[oracle@svrqatal1 config]$  cat  system-jazn-data.xml | grep credentials


Shutdown and restart the OAFM container and re-test:

sh $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/  stop / start 

Query to view the status:

SQL> select machine,action, decode(count(*),0,'Error: OTA is Not Running','OTA is Running')
from gv$session  where action like '%OXTA%'  group by machine, action;

Preserve System Properties Customized For Your ECX (XML Gateway) [ID 829449.1]

Home page does not open upon login on R12

Home page does not open upon login on R12:  

JSP Error:
Request URI:/OA_HTML/OA.jsp
java.lang.ClassFormatError: oracle/apps/fnd/wf/worklist/webui/NtfUtil (Illegal constant pool type)

Solution :

Remove existing class file and add fresh file from another working instance. "( 115.148)"
NtfUtil.class  copy  to /u01/oracle/UAT/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/fnd/wf/worklist/webui/
Workflow Notification Generates JSP Error [ID 795302.1]

No Homepage screen is presented, neither an error message is brought up.

Solution :

1. Open a new Shell and source the APPS User Environment

2.  Run adadmin
a:- Choose the following options
b:- Generate Applications Files menu
c:- Generate product JAR files
à Do you wish to force regeneration of all jar files? [YES] ?

3.Change into the $FND_TOP Patch directory

cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
a. Compile the JSP files using following command :

perl --compile --flush -p 2

4. Initiate the execution of Autoconfig on the DB- and the APPS_Tier(s)

5. Start the APPS-Tier(s) Services again and re-test the logon

Note: ID :166650.1
R12 - Logon is not working, no error message is shown [ID 435550.1]
R12, 12.1 - How To Enable and Collect Debug for HTTP, OC4J and OPMN [ID 422419.1]
How to enable Apache, OC4J and OPMN logging in Oracle Applications R12 [ID 419839.1]
The login screen comes again instead of showing home page.

Solution :


2.Bounce OACORE service


The application.log file of the OACore OC4J shows the following error stack:
javax.servlet.ServletException: oracle.classloader.util.AnnotatedClassNotFoundException:
Missing class: _RF
Dependent class: oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageInfo        

Solution :

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
A. Set the JSP compilation to Automatic using the following steps:
1. Use the vi editor to edit the $CONTEXT_NAME.xml context file used by AutoConfig and change the value for "s_jsp_main_mode" from "justrun" to "recompile" (without the double quotes)

Backup the context file before editing it.

2. Run Autoconfig to propagate the changes to the configuration files.

3. Verify that now the
$INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/html/orion-web.xml has


4. Restart the Middle Tier services and access the applications to load JSP's which will cause them to be recompiled on the run.

5. After successfully accessing the applications, use the vi editor to edit the $CONTEXT_NAME.xml context file used by AutoConfig and revert the value for "s_jsp_main_mode" to "justrun" (without the double quotes) in order not to hamper the performance of your system.

[oracle@svrqatal2 ~]$ grep -i s_jsp_main_mode $CONTEXT_FILE
         <jsp_debug_parameters oa_var="s_jsp_main_mode">justrun</jsp_debug_parameters>

6. Run AutoConfig to propagate the changes.

You can always use the next option to compile JSP's manually at any time.

B. Recompile the JSP manually using the following steps:
1. Telnet to your server using applmgr user and source the environment by running the script:


2. Run the commands

cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
perl --compile --flush -p 2

How to Enable Automatic Compilation of JSP pages in R12 Environment [ID 458338.1]
Blank Page Accessing R12 - 'Missing class: _RF' in OACore application.log [ID 467562.1]

Monday, December 24, 2012 -RC-50004: Error occurred in CloneContext:

Error :
RC-50004: Error occurred in CloneContext:

Solution A:

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Please copy CTXORIG.xml to:

Note:  You may need to create the directory structure if it does not exist.

2. Rerun adcfgclone.

Solution B:

To implement a permanent solution, execute the following steps:

1 - Open a new shell and set your Applications Environment at the source system

2 - mv $IAS_ORACLE_HOME>/jdbc/lib/ classes12.zip_wrong

3 - cp $FND_TOP>/java/3rdparty/stdalone/ <IAS_ORACLE_HOME>/jdbc/lib/

4 - Delete the $COMMON_TOP/clone

5 - Run the “perl adpreclone appsTier” again on source

6 - Copy the files to the target $COMMON_TOP/clone would be enough)

7 - Run the "perl appsTier" again at the target system

Solution C:

1.) Make a backup copy of the library '' :

cp $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/perl/lib/5.00503/ $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/perl/lib/5.00503/

2.) Then Open $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/perl/lib/5.00503/ and change :
 Ex: # vi  /d01/oracle/tstora/ias/Apache/perl/lib/5.00503/

if ($sym =~ tr/A-Za-Z_0-9//c) {

change to
if ($sym =~ tr/A-Za-z_0-9//c) {

(The change is the single character Z->z)

2.) export PATH=/usr/bin/perl:$PATH

3.) perl appsTier

Note: MOC ID :  726509.1,549614.1, 406319.1 , 443667.1 , 389950.1 , 467659.1,  1305219.1, 842948.1 & 1391208.1.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Target node/queue unavailable or Concurrent Manager Issue’s

Target node/queue unavailable or Concurrent Manager Issue’s after cloning or DB-Refresh

Solution A:
SQL> conn apps/PWD
ü  Run autoconfig on dbtier then appsTier.
ü  Run cmclean.sql script  Non destructive script this can also be tried
ü  Start all application services and check whether managers are up.
è Apply this solution in last when the above one doesn’t work.
Solution B:
SQL> Desc fnd_concurrent_queues;
Note : Node Name=” Ur Existing Node Name
  SQL> select node_name,target_node,control_code from fnd_concurrent_queues;
 SQL> update apps.fnd_concurrent_queues set node_name = 'Node NAME' where node_name='Existing Node Name';
  SQL> select NODE_NAME,NODE_MODE,STATUS from fnd_nodes;
  SQL> select control_code,target_node,node_name,CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues;
 SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues set control_code = null;
  SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues set target_node = 'Node Name';
  SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues set node_name = 'Node Name';
  SQL> update FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES set control_code = null where concurrent_queue_name = 'OAMGCS_NODENAME';
  SQL> COMMIT;  //  Don’t forget
  SQL>  select control_code,target_node,node_name,CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues;

Ø  Retest the issue .
MOS ID’s :  555081.1 ,732709.1 & 466532.1

To the Target node/queue unavailable or Concurrent Manager Issue’s after Refresh/Cloning on EBS :

The standard codes used by Oracle Applications are as followings:

'A', à 'Activate concurrent manager'
'D', à 'Deactivate concurrent manager'
'E', à 'Deactivated'
'N', à 'Target node/queue unavailable'
'R', à 'Restart concurrent manager'
'T', à 'Terminate requests and deactivate manager'
'U', à 'Update concurrent manager env inf.'
'V', à 'Verify concurrent managers status'
'X', à 'Terminated'



A Waiting
B Resuming
C Normal
D Cancelled
E Error
F Scheduled
G Warning
H On Hold
I Normal
M No Manager
Q Standby
R Normal
S Suspended
T Terminating
U Disabled
W Paused
X Terminated
Z Waiting


C Completed
I Inactive
P Pending
R Running

Solution A:

CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables [ID 134007.1]

Run the cmclean.sql on admin node  

Start the managers and re-test.

Solution B:

sqlplus apps/pwd

2.       SQL>COMMIT;
Make sure following two sqls returns no rows
SQL> select node_name "Node Name", node_mode "Mode", support_cp "C",support_web "W", support_admin "A", support_forms "F" from FND_NODES;
SQL>  select * from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES;

2. Run AutoConfig on the database tier.

3. Run AutoConfig on the apps tier.
4. Run cmclean.sql script .

SQL> sqlplus APPS/<Password>

SQL> select node_name "Node Name", node_mode "Mode", support_cp "C",support_web "W", support_admin "A", support_forms "F" from FND_NODES;


5. Start all application services and check whether managers are up & re-test.

Solution C:  
Highly recommended for bellow

Apply this solution in last when the above one doesn’t work.

SQL> select node_name,target_node,control_code from fnd_concurrent_queues;

SQL> update apps.fnd_concurrent_queues set node_name = 'Node NAME' where node_name='Existing Node Name';

SQL> select NODE_NAME,NODE_MODE,STATUS from fnd_nodes;

SQL> select control_code,target_node,node_name,CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues;

SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues set control_code = null;

SQL> select TARGET_NODE,NODE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues where node_name='<Existing Node Name>';

SQL> select TARGET_NODE,NODE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues where TARGET_NODE='<Existing Node Name>';

SQL> update fnd_concurrent_queues set NODE_NAME='<Node Name>' where NODE_NAME='<Source/Existing Node Name>';

SQL> update fnd_concurrent_queues set TARGET_NODE='<Node Name>' where TARGET_NODE='<Source/Exixting Node Name>';

SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues set target_node = '<Node Name>';

SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_queues set node_name = '<Node Name>';

SQL> Commit;

SQL> select control_code,target_node,node_name,CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues;

SQL>select TARGET_NODE,NODE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues where node_name='<Node Name>';

SQL>select TARGET_NODE,NODE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_queues where TARGET_NODE='<Node Name>';

Solution D

Solution C+D: This is the final solution

SQL> set linesize 1000;
SQL> column CONTROL_CODE format A15
Sample Output:
------------------------------                        ---------------                 -----------------------------    ------------------------------
OAMGCS_SUPTEBSAL1                            E                                                                      SUPTEBSAL1

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Please set control_code to null for the OAMGCS concurrent queue on the specific node that is affected by this issue.

      set control_code = null
      where concurrent_queue_name = 'OAMGCS_<hostname>'; <Ur Existing Node Name>

2. Make sure the Target_node is correct for the OAMGCS manager:

           set TARGET_NODE='<correct node >'
           where CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME='OAMGCS_<hostname>';

SQL> commit;


OAM Generic Collection Service shows State: "The target node/queue unavailable". [ID 393706.1]
After Cloning all the Concurrent Managers do not start for the cloned Instance [ID 555081.1]
Conflict Resolution Manager Shows Target Node/Queue Unavailable [ID 732709.1]
Concurrent Managers Do Not Start After Cloning Nodes Not Updated In Conc_queues [ID 466532.1]
Summary of Possible Reasons and Solutions for the Problem Where All Concurrent Requests Stuck in Pending Phase [ID 182154.1]
Output Post Processor is Down with Actual Process is 0 And Target Process is 1 [ID 858813.1]

Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 380489.1]
Documentation For Specific Load Balancer Hardware [ID 727171.1]
Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 384248.1]
Add new node to application ---- 384248.1