Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Concurrent Processing - Concurrent Reports Failing With Errors REP-0004,REP-0082 and REP-0104 : R12

Concurrent Processing - Concurrent Reports Failing With Errors REP-0004,REP-0082 and REP-0104


Reports.log located under $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG has reached the maximum file size limit of 2GB


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Stop the concurrent managers using

2. Remove the reports.log file in log directory (under $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG).

3. Restart the concurrent managers.

4. Submit Concurrent request of type RDF from Oracle Applications and ensure it completes normal.

IMP-NOTE : Truncation of file "reports.log" is a regular maintenance work of Application DBA. Make sure that reports log file size should not increase its maximum limit of 2 GB. There is no purge concurrent program to truncate file "reports.log". This maintenance needs to be done manually and regularly depending on number of concurrent program which uses "reports.log". You can safely truncate "reports.log"

ID 844976.1
REP-0082 Error Encountered While Running Reports (Doc ID 1139515.1)
The custom directories added in the "REPORTS_PATH" environment variable didn't have access permissions for the "oracle"user. As a result, the Reports Server was not able to access them.
To implement the solution, please perform the following steps :
  1. Add 755 permissions on those custom directories for "oracle" user.
  2. Restart the Reports Server.
  3. Now run the report using the "" command or the "rwservlet" URL and it will run properly.
"REP-0082: Error Executing SCA Utility" and "REP-0110: Unable to Open File While Running Reports" (Doc ID 286546.1)


Changes to REPORTS_PATH were done in


1. Test by providing the report name with the entire directory path.

2. Once successful:
On Unix:
Check the REPORTS_PATH in to include all directories containing Reports rdf , rep, jsp files.
3. Restart Reports server and OC4J_BI_Forms.
4. Run reports.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How To Configure Workflow Notification Mailer To Send Email Notification For Only One Workflow Item type/Process?

How To Assign custom workflow mailer to custom workflow process 

Follow the below Steps to create a dedicated Workflow Notification Mailer to Process only one
particular Workflow Process:

1. Log in to applications as SYSADMIN.

2. Choose "Workflow Administrator Web Applications" responsibility.

3. Navigate to Oracle Applications Manager --> Workflow Manager.

4. Click on "Service Components".

5. Click on 'Container' to sort the displayed Service Components and check for 'Workflow Mailer
Service'.  Make sure the associated "Workflow Notification Mailer" is down.

6. Once confirmed, on the same page Click on "Create" button to create new custom Mailer.

The following options are available:

Select Name Description
1. Workflow Web Services Outbound -Component Type used to create a Workflow Web Services Outbound Component
2. Workflow Java Agent Listener -Component Type used to create a Workflow Java Agent Listener Service Component
3. Workflow Agent Listener -Component Type used to create a Workflow Agent Listener Service Component
4. Workflow Mailer -Component Type used to create a Workflow Mailer Service Component

Select 4 Workflow Mailer and continue.

7. Configure the Mailer with SMTP connection details.

8. On carrying out 'Advanced ' Edit,Please specify "Correlation ID" click on touch Light icon.
Now in pop -up window.Search and Select: Item Type which you want this dedicated Mailer to run/process.

For example: POAPPRV for PO Approval.
Important note:
For ATG RUP 4, the correlation id should be POAPPRV.
For ATG RUP 5 , the correlation id should be POAPPRV%.
For ATG RUP 7, the correlation id should be POAPPRV:%.
For R12 , the correlation id should be POAPPRV:%

9. Complete rest of the configuration and Finish to Save.

10. Stop and re-start the Workflow Notification Mailer to test.
Note: A separate custom notification mailer must be created for each workflow Item type / process as the "Correlation ID" does not allow to choose multiple values.  This is by design

To Know the OVERVIEW of WF below Images:

How to mass change Mail Preferences for FND USERS (Doc ID 451929.1)
Direct table updates are not supported.  Please ensure to perform a backup prior to making any changes reflected in this document.

Using sqlplus as the apps user:

Step 1). SQL> update wf_local_roles set notification_preference = 'MAILHTML' where user_flag='Y';

Step 2). SQL > update fnd_user_preferences set preference_value = 'MAILHTML'  where module_name = 'WF' and preference_name = 'MAILTYPE';

Step 3). SQL> commit


Notify Function When Running Concurrent Request Not Sending Notification to User (Doc ID 1370390.1)

Backup WF_LOCAL_ROLE Table before doing update:

SQL> update wf_local_roles set email_address='' where name='SYSADMIN';


SQL> select RECIPIENT_ROLE,status,mail_status,MESSAGE_NAME from apps.wf_notifications where begin_date>sysdate-1

How to remove all the emails from wf_local_roles table:
SQL> update wf_local_roles set email_address = null where email_address is not null;
             90786 rows updated.

SQL> select name, email_address from wf_local_roles where email_address is not null;
             no rows selected

SQL> commit;

Note: Doc ID 786647.1
NOTE:415723.1 - Configuring A Notification Mailer Based On A Specific Item Type.

NOTE:561435.1 - How to Check if Custom Dedicated Notification Mailers have been Defined?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to add a new language in R12 :

How to add a new language in R12

Important : First you have to ensure that your character set is OK for the language you want to add
Please check: Note 393861.1 Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12
  Oracle Database Language Codes, Translated Technologies, and Character Sets

See the Adding and Maintaining NLS Languages  Follow the instructions for the business requirement to add a language. 
The Post-installation Tasks section of this document.

Adding and Maintaining NLS Languages:

Perform the following steps:

1. From Oracle Applications Manager, go to License Manager and activate or change your base language to a new one.

2. From AD Administration, run Maintain Multi-lingual Tables (AD Administration Main Menu > Maintain Applications Database Entities Menu).

adadmin --> 4 --> 3 --> no of workers = 4 or 2.
Note : It will take at least 1- 1 hrs.
Performance Issue with Maintain Multilingual Tables EGONLINS.sql And INVNLINS.sql Taking Long Time (Doc ID 1391050.1)
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps: 
1) Please download and review the readme for Patch 12999793.R12.ITM.C
2) Please apply Patch 12999793.R12.ITM.C in a test environment. 
3) Please confirm the following file versions: 
ego sql EGONLINS.sql 120.6.12010000.3
inv sql INVNLINS.sql 120.7.12010000.4
inv patch/115/sql INVIRVUB.pls 120.1.12010000.2 
inv patch/115/sql INVVITMB.pls 120.33.12010000.19
ego patch/115/sql EGOPIUAB.pls 120.1.12010000.3

4) Please retest the issue. 
5) If the issue is resolved, please migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

3. From AD Administration, run Maintain Snapshot Information
Note :
AD Administration -->2 , Maintain Snapshot Information -->4 , Update current View Snalshot -->2 Update Complete APPL_TOP -->1 

4. Run the Translation Synchronization Patch utility ( .
    If you have already run the Translation Synchronization Patch utility by following the Oracle E-Business Suite NLS Release Notes as mentioned in Step 3,
    you can omit this step and step 5.
    Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches note 252422.1

 [oracle@svruatebsal1 ~]$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/
Please enter the APPS User [APPS]:
Please enter the APPS password: Manifest file generation is in progress...

Manifest generated in: /d01/oracle/SVRUAT/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/SVRUAT/out/adgennls.txt

5. When you are notified that it is available, apply your Translation Synchronization Patch (TSP) for all languages you requested.

6. Install the Release 12 NLS Help, if available (optional).
Doc ID 1511692.1
Performance Issues Using Maintain Multi-Lingual Table, INVNLINS.SQL (Doc ID 981868.1)


  Run adadmin> 4.Maintain Applications Database Entities-> 3.    Maintain
  multi-lingual tables  , Internally EGONLINS.sql and INVNLINS.sql take 9 and
  20 hours respectively.

Please find answers:

1) We added the /*parallel*/ hint so as to spawn multiple processes for the time consuming insert statement.
The performance improvement depends on the number of parallel workers in the system.
How many parallel workers were setup for this task ?

Ans: 12 workers

2) Is it expected that MMT will be run frequently ? or is it an one time exercise?

Ans: As of now, MMT will be run in every upgraded 12.1.2 instance once, 
before adding new languages. Since our Production is on 12.1.1, but we are 
planning an upgrade to 12.1.2 + language patches, all our other instances are 
in 12.1.2 for implementation, development etc. Whenever we have to refresh a 
non Prod instance from Production, we clone it from Production, upgrade to 
12.1.2, enable languages, run MMT and then apply language patches.

3) Which language is MMT being run for? Is this language being provisioned 
for the first time ?

Ans: MMT is being run for Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, German, and French. Yes, 
we are enabling these languages for the first time in OAM, and running MMT on 
these languages.

4) Please provide outputs of the following queries: Queries a) to f) are run 
on instance with the issue, query g) on another 12.1.1 instance

a) SELECT DISTINCT attr_group_id FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_b MINUS SELECT DISTINCT attr_group_id FROM ego_attr_Groups_v;

SQL> SELECT DISTINCT attr_group_id FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_b MINUS SELECT DISTINCT attr_group_id FROM ego_attr_Groups_v;

no rows selected
 b) SELECT count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_b WHERE attr_group_id IN ( list of attr_group_id from SQL (a) above ) 
No rows selected in (a), so query not run

c) SELECT LANGUAGE,Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl GROUP BY LANGUAGE;

SQL> SELECT LANGUAGE,Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl GROUP BY LANGUAGE;
---- ----------
US      7689938
D       7689938
N       7689938
F       7689938
S       7689938
 6 rows selected.
 d) select organization_id,count(1) from mtl_system_items_b group by organization_id

SQL> SQL> select organization_id,count(1) from mtl_system_items_b group by organization_id;

--------------- ----------
           102     410083
           104     409610
           103     429303
           101     435493
 e) Count FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_b
SQL> SELECT Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_b;


---- -
US   B
D    I
F    I
N    I
NL   I
S    I

6 rows selected.
 g) On any instance where MMT is not run (prod/dev/test) please get :
SELECT Count(1)
FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl where language = 'US'

We want to check if some records already exist for that language.
SQL> SELECT Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl where language = 'NL';
 SQL> SELECT Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl where language = 'S';
 SQL> SELECT Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl where language = 'F';
 SQL> SELECT Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl where language = 'D';
 SQL> SELECT Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl where language = 'N';
 There are records in US language which is already present:
SQL> SELECT Count(1) FROM ego_mtl_sy_items_ext_tl where language = 'US';


What to install? NLS media or TSP (Translation Syncronization Patch)?

TSP patch is basically a customized patch to pull together all the delta files between US (the source of truth) and any activated languages.

For a fresh install 12.1 instance
After a US 12.1.1 fresh install, if a user immediately activates a new language and requests a TSP, that TSP will essentially have the same content as the 12.1.1 NLS patch.  Instead of having the customer generate
TSP manifest and wait for the patch to build, the instructions simply ask them to take the 12.1.1 NLS patch.

This applies to 12.1.3 or any RUP level, when a user installs and adds a language right away.

Adding a new language to a Release 12.1.1 and above (12.1.x)
These instructions are written in situations where user has already been running in EBS 12.1 for some time, and decided to add a language at some point.
Most likely in a situation like this, the environment would already have various one-off or product patches applied since the initial release.  In the past we have asked users to apply 12.1.1 NLS and then request a TSP to capture the delta on top.  Requesting a TSP right away will give them the delta (which includes all of 12.1 base NLS and all the one-off patches on top).  Since 12.1.3 we have revised the steps to eliminate the 12.1.1 NLS step to streamline the process.  Both paths work.

The same information can be found in Note 788053.1 Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes, Release 12.1.1
Please be aware that not all modules are fully translated. Please check Note 405992.1 Oracle Applications Release 12 Translation Scope and Availability

OTE:252422.1 - Requesting Translation Synchronization Patches

NOTE:393861.1 - Globalization Guide for Oracle Applications Release 12

Monday, August 19, 2013

Troubleshooting Missing Responsibilities For A User (Doc ID 429852.1)

Troubleshooting Missing Responsibilities For A User

1. Ensure both workflow services are running, the Workflow Deferred Agent Listener and Workflow Java Deferred Agent Listener.

Run the following code to get status of Listeners:

SQL> SELECT c.component_name, c.component_status from fnd_svc_components c where upper (c.component_name) in ('WORKFLOW DEFERRED AGENT LISTENER',  'WORKFLOW JAVA DEFERRED AGENT LISTENER');

2. Ensure Deferred Workflow Events are being processed.
Run the following query to check for Deferred Workflow Events:

SQL> select corrid, decode(state, 0, 'Ready', 1, 'Delayed', 2, 'Retained',3, 'Exception', to_char(state)) State, count(*) COUNT from WF_DEFERRED where corrid like '' group by corrid, state ;

SQL> select notification_preference,email_address from applsys.wf_local_roles  where name = 'XYZ';

SQL> update wf_local_roles set email_address='' where name='SYSADMIN';


If below SQL statement is returning rows you need to correct the email addresses for associated users:

col name  format a25 
col email_address    format a35   
SQL> select name, '['||substr(email_address, 1, 25)||']', orig_system from wf_local_roles where email_address like '% %';

SQL> select corrid, count(*) from WF_DEFERRED group by corrid;

Why the Workflow Mailer Response Time Is Slow For Email Notifications?
The Workflow Mailer is sending email notifications very slowly.

Cause : timeout in stream read)


1. Increase the value of FRAMEWORK_URL_TIMEOUT mailer parameter using $FND_TOP/sql/afsvcpup.sql to 120 or 180 secs.  By default, it should be 30 secs. 

2. Bounce the Workflow Mailer component and the Apache server.

3. Test the issue again to see if the time out error still occurs.

Q) Which Table Stores the NEW Test Address 'set override address'?

Run the following select to reflect the associated tables:

SQL> select fscpv.parameter_value
    from fnd_svc_comp_params_tl fscpt
    ,fnd_svc_comp_param_vals fscpv
    where fscpt.display_name = 'Test Address'
    and fscpt.parameter_id = fscpv.parameter_id;

SQL> set pagesize 100
set linesize 132
set feedback off
set verify off
col value format a35
col component_name format a30

select c.component_id, c.component_name, p.parameter_id, p.parameter_name, v.parameter_value value
from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v, fnd_svc_comp_params_b p, fnd_svc_components c
where c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER'
and v.component_id = c.component_id
and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
and p.parameter_name in ( 'INBOUND_SERVER','ACCOUNT', 'REPLYTO')
order by c.component_id, c.component_name,p.parameter_name;

 Make sure that Workflow Mailer account is not monitored using an email client while Workflow Notification Mailer is up and running. Folders of this account should be monitored only having the Workflow Notification Mailer stopped to prevent locking it.

E. Make sure that "Processor Close on Read Timeout" and "Expunge Inbox on Close" parameter is checked (In OAM --> Navigate to Workflow Manager --> Notification Mailers --> Edit --> Advanced --> Step 2)

To check current value you may execute below SQL statement and the value field should be 'Y':

SQL> set pagesize 100
set linesize 132
set feedback off
set verify off
col value  format a35
col component_name    format a30   
select c.component_id, c.component_name, p.parameter_id, p.parameter_name, v.parameter_value value
from   fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v, fnd_svc_comp_params_b p, fnd_svc_components c
where  c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER'
and    v.component_id = c.component_id
and    v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
and  p.parameter_name = 'PROCESSOR_READ_TIMEOUT_CLOSE' 
 order by c.component_name,p.parameter_name;


Doc ID 562551.1, 429852.1 ,554352.1,741352.1,433280.1
                How to mass change Mail Preferences for FND USERS (Doc ID 451929.1)
Direct table updates are not supported.  Please ensure to perform a backup prior to making any changes reflected in this document.

Using sqlplus as the apps user:

Step 1). SQL> update wf_local_roles set notification_preference = 'MAILHTML' where user_flag='Y';

Step 2). SQL > update fnd_user_preferences set preference_value = 'MAILHTML'  where module_name = 'WF' and preference_name = 'MAILTYPE';

Step 3). SQL> commit

Email Notification Is Not Sent To The Approver (Doc ID 314320.1)

SQL> Select  name, orig_system, email_address from wf_users where NAME like '%JAIN%';

SQL>  select orig_system,orig_system_id,name,display_name from wf_local_roles wfr1 where (wfr1.orig_system <> 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES' and wfr1.orig_system_id <> 0)
and exists ( select 'row found' from wf_local_roles wfr2 where (wfr2.orig_system <> 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES' and wfr2.orig_system_id <> 0) and wfr2.orig_system_id = wfr1.orig_system_id and wfr2.orig_system = wfr1.orig_system and <>
and orig_system = 'PER'order by orig_system,orig_system_id;

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Navigate to the Define User form
        Responsibility: System Administrator
        Navigation: Security -> User -> Define
2. Enter Query mode on the form (F11)
3. Click in the Person field and enter the person's name (Employee Name)
for the individual not receiving notifications.
4. Execute the query (CTRL-F11)

At least one record should be returned at this point; once data appears on the form, hit the down arrow. If the screen moves to a new record showing login information, there is in fact a duplicate login issue.

To resolve:
- Enter an End Date for each of the duplicate logins, so only one login remains for the employee - this should be the login which will be receiving all notifications.


- Delete the person's name (Employee Name) from the Person field
- save the record so the link between the employee and invalid login is removed.

5. Run the Synchronize WF Local Tables request set to update the role information into the
workflow tables

Notify Function When Running Concurrent Request Not Sending Notification to User (Doc ID 1370390.1)
1. From the request log, verify the notification id has been generated and make a note of the id.

2. Check that the notification mail_status is "MAIL", using the following select statement, which means the notification is in processing.

SQL> select NOTIFICATION_ID, STATUS, MAIL_STATUS from wf_notifications where NOTIFICATION_ID = '423828';

3. Using the script identified below together with the notification id to check the notification detail information:

 SQL> sqlplus apps/apps @$FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql <insert notification id here>

This will identify a missing vaild email address while sending notification.

4. Using following select to find if the user has been defined with a valid email address:

SQL> select user_name, email_address from fnd_user where user_name = '<USER NAME>';

5. Verify the email address is not missing in view wf_roles  as following:

SQL> select display_name, email_address from wf_roles where display_name = '<USER NAME>';

6. Manually update table wf_local_roles to set the user a valid email address:

SQL> update WF_LOCAL_ROLES set email_address = '<email address>'where display_name = '<USER NAME>';
SQL> commit;
Once conformation by user & Run concurrent program 'Synchronize WF LOCAL tables' with parameter orig_system = 'ALL'

7. User should now receive the notification normally.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Performance Issue on the Quote Form in R12:

Performance Issue on the Quote Form

Step 1: run Apps Check  & to find Database Triggers
Note :See Note 739401.1 - R12 Diagnostics APPS CHECK Report: OMCHECK.sql

Please disable the  custom triggers only


2. Please verify the results of the following query,so we can review the trigger details:

set markup html on;
spool Trigger_details.html;

select trigger_name, when_clause, status, description, trigger_body  from dba_triggers  where trigger_name in ('SVRASO_QUOTE_HEADERS_AI','SVRQOT_CUST_PART_NUM_HEADER','SVRQOT_CUST_PART_NUM_LINES');

set markup html off;
spool off;

Note: After disabling the Custom Code the performance of this form has become normal / still issue the performance

3. Since you were unable to generate the debug log, please generate a sql trace so that we can see where the time is being spent when the issue occurs:
- Make sure all the debugging profiles are disabled.
- Enable the trace by selecting > Help > Diagnostics > Trace -> Trace with Binds
- Reproduce the issue by entering a line on one of the quotes where performance is slow
- After the line is saved, Disable tracing by selecting > Help > Diagnostics > Trace > No Trace
- Gather trace file from the location given by the system when you enable/disable the tracing
- Upload the raw trace file to the SR
- Then using the raw trace, generate a sorted tkprof and upload this as well
Example: tkprof traceN.trc traceN.out explain=apps/apps sort='(prsela,exeela,fchela)'

4. Upload the Quoting debug logs generated while reproducing the issue
See Note 430265.1 for instructions on generating these logs.

+++++++++++++ID 1368018.1.+++++++++++++++

How to update source instance Profile values to dest instance:

Step 1: To find the values as below Select Statement:

Login as oracle user to apps node and execute the following

sqlplus apps/<apps password>

set linesize 140
set pagesize 132
column NAME format A40
column VALUE format A80 wrap
select n.user_profile_option_name NAME,
    v.profile_option_value VALUE
    from apps.fnd_profile_options p,
         apps.fnd_profile_option_values v,
         apps.fnd_profile_options_tl n
    where p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id (+)
    and p.profile_option_name = n.profile_option_name
    and v.level_id=10001
and upper(v.profile_option_value) like upper('%prod%');

Step 2: Update Profile option values which are pointing to source instance.

è Replace source instance paths with target instance using below DML.

SQL > update fnd_profile_option_values
    set PROFILE_OPTION_value= '&TargetPath'
    where PROFILE_OPTION_value = '&SourcePath';

Step 3:
#sqlplus apps/<apps password>
set linesize 140
set pagesize 132
column NAME format A40
column VALUE format A80 wrap
n.user_profile_option_name NAME,
v.profile_option_value VALUE
from apps.fnd_profile_options p,
         apps.fnd_profile_option_values v,
        apps.fnd_profile_options_tl n
where p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id (+)
and p.profile_option_name = n.profile_option_name
and v.level_id=10001
and upper(n.user_profile_option_name) like upper('%&profile_name%');

Sample O/P:
Enter value for profile_name: RMI Server
old  11: and upper(n.user_profile_option_name) like upper('%&profile_name%')
new  11: and upper(n.user_profile_option_name) like upper('%RMI Server %')

NAME                                     VALUE
----------------------        -------------------------------------
TWE: RMI Server IP Address     
TWE: RMI Server Request Port Number      8000
TWE: RMI Server Log Enabled              Y

Note:  prod à Source Instance name
profile_name  à POS: External URL /  WE: RMI Server IP Address /  ICX: Discoverer / ICX: Requisition Sever / ABM: Web Server Host    etc … Some of other options

Step 1: Verify WF mailer IMAP and SMTP Settings using below Query. Output should match with output taken in pre-clone Checks

                sqlplus apps/<apps password>

set lines 130
set pages 100
col value format a30
select p.parameter_id,p.parameter_name,v.parameter_value value
from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v,
fnd_svc_comp_params_b p,
fnd_svc_components c
where c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER'
and v.component_id = c.component_id
and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
and p.parameter_name in
order by p.parameter_name;