set lines 180
set pages 1000
set verify off
undef spid
column req_id format 99999999999
column OPID format a10
column PPID format a8
column SPID format a8
column ST_CD format a1
column ph_cd format a1
column CNAME format a30
column event format a15
column user_name format a10
column program format a8
column serial# format 999999
column sid format 9999
column username format a8
select a.request_id "REQ_ID",a.oracle_process_id "OPID",a.os_process_id "PPID",
e.user_concurrent_program_name "CNAME",
f.user_name,a.status_code "ST_CD",a.phase_code "PH_CD", b.username,b.sid,
from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,(select c.username,c.sid,c.serial#,
c.program,d.spid from v$session c, v$process d
where c.paddr=d.addr) b,
apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl e,
apps.fnd_user f,
v$session_wait g
where a.oracle_process_id=b.spid
and a.concurrent_program_id=e.concurrent_program_id
and e.language='US'
and a.requested_by=f.user_id
and b.sid=g.sid
and a.status_code='R'
and a.phase_code ='R';
set lines 180
set pages 1000
set verify off
undef spid
column req_id format 99999999999
column OPID format a10
column PPID format a8
column SPID format a8
column ST_CD format a1
column ph_cd format a1
column CNAME format a30
column event format a15
column user_name format a10
column program format a8
column serial# format 999999
column sid format 9999
column username format a8
select a.request_id "REQ_ID",a.oracle_process_id "OPID",a.os_process_id "PPID",
e.user_concurrent_program_name "CNAME",
f.user_name,a.status_code "ST_CD",a.phase_code "PH_CD", b.username,b.sid,
from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,(select c.username,c.sid,c.serial#,
c.program,d.spid from v$session c, v$process d
where c.paddr=d.addr) b,
apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl e,
apps.fnd_user f,
v$session_wait g
where a.oracle_process_id=b.spid
and a.concurrent_program_id=e.concurrent_program_id
and e.language='US'
and a.requested_by=f.user_id
and b.sid=g.sid
and a.status_code='R'
and a.phase_code ='R';